Planning Applications

Who decides whether a planning application is approved?

Arun District Council is the regulatory body and makes decisions on the planning applications - follow the link to view Agenda and Minutes of Arun District Council’s Development Control Committee. Kingston Parish Council is a statutory consultee only on planning applications. The Planning Committee meets on a regular basis to determine whether to make representations on planning applications relating to Kingston (including planning applications for sites outside of the parish which would impact on the parish)


View and Comment on Planning Applications on-line
To see latest planning applications visit then follow the link
· Application Search Post 1987
- use the Parish drop down box to select Kingston - click on search
- scroll down the list to find the application you are interested in - click on the reference number
You will be able to view the plans and documents and make comment on them
Comment on Planning Applications by Letter
You can make your comments in writing by sending them to: The Planning Department, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF. 
Unless you object with a valid reason, your objection will be wasted
Contrary to Arun District Council Local Plan
Overdevelopment/ Layout and density of building
Outside the built-up area / in an area of countryside / Infringement of strategic gap
Intrusive to neighbouring properties (Privacy/Overbearing nature of the proposal)
Visual - Design/size/scale/materials of the proposal in relation to neighbouring property(ies)
Detrimental to the visual amenity of the neighbourhood (not the loss of private individuals view)
Unneighbourly – increase fear of crime
Unneighbourly -noise/smell/loss of light
Highway hazard/access road unsuitable, including access for emergency vehicles
Traffic generation – increased traffic movements arising from the development
Inadequate parking for the size of the development
Risk of flooding as a result of the proposal
Detrimental to nature/ecology
Loss of trees/protected trees
Listed building – not sympathetic to existing
Proximity to the boundary (in some instances)

Contrary to the Kingston Parish Neighbourhood Plan and Design Statement

Materials to match existing
Opaque windows
Loss of view
Private rights of way.
Land Ownership
Age/health/status/work patterns of objectors
Property Value
The applicant's motives
Private covenants or agreements
Boundary disputes
The examples listed are not definitive and are a guide to assist in the preparation of statements of support or opposition.
Members of the general public are entitled to attend the meetings of the Arun Development Control Committee which sits to hear planning applications which are not dealt with under delegated powers. They are able, by prior arrangement and agreement with Arun District Council, to speak for or against an application.
District Council has produced guidance notes on ‘How to respond to planning applications’ view on-
Kingston Parish Council Planning applications in the last 14 days

No rows returned.

No row returned means there are none at present. This list shows applications registered in the last 14 days. For more applications go to