We value our wonderful Parish of Kingston with its beach to the south and views to the Downs to the north and our aim is to enhance and protect the quality of life for all our residents.
Please do contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Parish Council or if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of.
No rows returned.
No row returned means there are none at present. This list shows applications registered in the last 14 days. For more applications go to www.arun.gov.uk/planning
Meetings of Council and its Committees are usually held in Our Lady Star of the Sea Hall, Vermont Drive, East Preston, commencing at 7 pm. Members of the Public will have an opportunity to make representation to the Council on matters on the agenda or representations in advance should be sent to the Clerk (email clerk@kingston-wsx-pc.gov.uk).
An Extraordinary Meeting of KINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL will be held in Our Lady Star of the Sea Hall, Vermont Drive, East Preston on Thursday 20 February, commencing at 2.15pm. View Agendas and Minutes
Next scheduled meeting dates of Council and its Committees: Thursday, 20 March, 2025 commencing at 7pm. Please check agenda 3 days prior to the meetings to confirm the venue. View Agendas and Minutes