Listed Buildings


Grade: II

Early C19. Two storeys and attic. Three windows. Two dormers. Faced with Roman cement, the ground floor rusticated. Stringcourse, cornice and balustraded parapet. The windows are flanked by pilasters and those on the first floor have moulded architrave surrounds. Glazing bars intact. Porch up four steps with round-headed coved doorway and round-headed windows in its flanks. On each side of the main block is a contemporary wing of one storey with splayed angles, flanked by pilasters and faced with square knapped flints between the pilasters. Each wing has one tripartite window and a balustraded parapet over.

National Grid Reference: TQ 07967 02176



Grade: II

Two parallel ranges. West range C18. Two storeys. Three windows. Faced with flint cobbles with long and short dressings and quoins of red brick. Two projecting bays, tile-hung. Mansarded tiled roof. Glazing bars intact. Round-headed doorway up five steps with iron handrail, having doorway with semi-circular fanlight and later porch built over it. The east range is early C19. Red brick and grey headers alternately. Wooden porch.

National Grid Reference: TQ 08563 02019



Grade: ll

C19. Faced with flint cobbles with long and short red brick quoins. Slate roof. Loop lights in the form of a cross, edged with brick. Wagon entrance with the top portion weather-boarded.

National Grid Reference: TQ 08839 01720


Grade: II

Cottage. Late C18 or early C19 cottage, shown on the tithe map of 1843. Refenestrated in C20. Built of flint cobbles with hipped thatched roof and brick chimneystack. One storey; 4 windows. C20 casements in original openings. Plank door. C20 L-wing of 2 bays in matching materials. On the 1843 tithe map of Kingston this cottage is described as a property no 50: cottage and garden, value £3-3s-2d a year. It probably originally provided accommodation for farm workers.

National Grid Reference: TQ 08655 01981


Grade: II

Built in 1939. Architects F R S Yorke and Marcel Breuer. L-shaped house of two storeys. Short wing entirely of rendered brick. Long wing to the south has an open ground floor with reinforced concrete columns and slab supporting a rendered brick first floor. Parapet to boarded roof. Ground floor service accommodation and garage. Curved, cantilevered stairs and balcony to living accommodation on first floor. Additional frontage to Sea Lane.

National Grid Reference: TQ 08490 01644


Grade: ll

Private House. 1936 by Wells Coates, builders E and L Berg. Steel frame, clad in steel sheeting, on concrete foundations and with plaster wall finishes. Flat roofs. Near-diamond shaped plan of two storeys and roof-top room, the upper floor set behind balconies - with curved prow and flanking single-storey wings facing south across the sea. Entrance on north side facing the road has two storey wing. Flat roofs accessed from small room or lobby which incorporates stack. International modern style. Windows replaced within original surrounds, save where concealed behind later screens to balcony. Balcony supported on narrow columns. Interior never had features of special interest.

This is a rare example of a Sunspan House and forms a strong group with Sea Lane House, the modern movement house by Yorke and Breuer already listed

Wells Coates was 'the father-figure of the English modern movement' (Cohn), and one of the first architects to build in a pure modern style. His engineering background led him to become the first British modernism to exploit the possibilities of prefabrication when he designed the Sunspan House as a kit to be assembled by builders. The idea of prefabrication and easy-assembly was one of the important tenets of modernism: the idea of putting an architect-designed house within as easy reach of the population as a motor car. The design developed out of the Isotype studies made as part of his design of the Lawn Road flats (grade I) in Camden, London. The critic Philip Morton Shand, writing in the Architects' Journal, considered the Sunspan House 'perhaps the first serious English contribution to domestic planning forms since that famous discovery of the "free, open planning " of the English country house took the Continent by storm at the beginning of this century.' However, very few examples were built, and this survivor remains important, despite its alteration, and additionally has strong group value with its modern neighbour.


Sources Architects' Journal, 26 April 1934 Sherban Cantacuzino, Wells Coates, A Monograph, London, Gordon Fraser, 1978.


National Grid Reference: TQ0842301523